
Art Philosophy:

  • Abstract is king, realism is for photos. (Although I am drawing more and more, so maybe realism is still very much alive, I just don't strive for it.)
  • Never waste paint! You'll see the same colours in multiple paintings because I use that colour until there is none left. 
  • Shapes, forms, ornaments, geometry and patterns are all elements of design that influence my work heavily.
  • My work is not done until it is sold. So if you see an artwork that changes in my catalogue it is because I decided it needed a make-over, so I added new elements into the painting. 

About me:

Honestly don't really know what to put here. Im a self-taught artist that realized quite late that I actually like painting and drawing. Art classes in school were nice but were never my favourite, maybe the way that they were taught or maybe it was simply because it wasn't "important"(to me). I always wanted to be an athlete, but I realized that my results and efforts over the years had shown me I might not be for the big leagues. 



As I was studying to be an engineer, one one my roommates at the time asked if I wanted to paint. He had taken out too much paint for what he wanted to use and said I could use one of his extra canvases. To my surprise thats were it all started. I had doodled a few shapes on the canvas and on a couple sheets of paper and from then it has been an almost daily activity. 



After this moment, I realized that my past was littered with artistic inspiration; from travelling with the family, or staring out into the open through the bus window. I had been observing the world for years, now it was time to express what I was seeing. 

I had no real training (and still believe I am a beginner), I still find shading and drawing humans to be extremely hard, but there is no rush on progress. My bread and butter is abstract art. It feels to me (I would assume) like a dancer or a musician feels when they are jamming. More recently I have been leaning towards drawings, influenced by my manga/bande-dessinées reading days and by objects and ideas that I may get throughout the day. 



I do not have a plan on where I am going (that is in terms of style). Painting is one off these activities that I seem to constantly be able to follow my curiosities without judgement and that's how I hope to continue. Incorporating new ideas, patterns and processes to my art over time. 



A lot of art is on the way so stay tuned my friends! :)